Backend-Developer @ NEXT Data Service AG (Start-Up Incubator)

01.02.2024 - 30.06.2024

Project NextSearch

  • Python-Backend-Developer on the LLM-App (Example instance: ): Python, Javascript, Flask, OpenAPI, ChatGPT4, LangChain, ElasticSearch, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes, Grafana, Nginx

Project Mineral Waste Manager

  • Python-Backend-Developer as part of Post- classification of waste lab analysis: Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Python

Fullstack-Developer @ Pleodat (Start-Up of CortexAG & SPRIN-D)

01.05.2023 - 23.08.2023

  • Development/Refactoring of application frontends and dashboards with D3.js, PHP und Quasar Framework/Vue.js
  • Product feature testing
  • Product documentation

IT-Consultant @ Fourenergy

19.04.2021 - 18.04.2023

helping customers with their projects:

Frontend-Developer @ Bundesdruckerei

01.02.2023 - 18.04.2023

Project Fertigungsstrasse

  • Development of the internal form builder tool using Stencil.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js.
  • Frontend development using

Developer/QA @ Breuer

19.04.2021 - 30.01.2023

Project Digitale Weiche 2

  • Exploratory and development support testing of an IIoT device type and its software (manually and using software tools).
  • Development of Python command line tools for test development within the IIoT project, workflow optimization(JIRA, Confluence) and document processing(Excel, Word, XML, JSON).
  • Test development and automation using Robotframework, Python, and Docker/Docker-Compose to meet project requirements
  • Verification of compliance with hazard avoidance requirements/hazard log.
  • Evaluation of the project in general: personnel implementation: maintenance concepts, mass production of hardware.
  • Evaluate backend technologies and develop a backend prototype in Python using Heroku/Flask/Django/Docker.
  • Collaboration with hardware developers, embedded developers, project management and stakeholders within a scrum team (Jira, Confluence, GitLab)
  • Use of project relevant technologies: IoT Framework Legato, MQTT, Jupyter Notebooks, PyData stack(NumPy, Pandas, SciPy), SpatiaLite and GPIO programming on a RaspberryPi to test an accelerometer used in the IIoT device.
  • Creation of a container-based IoT device mock via Python and LXC/LXD that was used to develop the backend and test the concept overall
  • Device monitoring and analysis via Grafana
  • Source code analysis using SonarQube
  • Backend/REST API testing using Python, Curl, SoapUI, Insomnia and Postman or Docker for local instantiation.

Fullstack-Developer @ ZeyOS

01.11.2020 - 11.12.2020

  • Customization of customer webshop instances (based on Vuestorefront, Mongodb, PHP and Docker-compose)
  • Creation of user documentation(with PWA functionality) with Gridsome and VuePress

Fullstack-Developer @ Leibniz Institute IHP

01.09.2018 - 14.06.2020

  • Design of new custom software for internal customers(e.g. a visualization for the state of the clean room, a generator for evacuation lists in case of an building evacuation), refactoring or customization of existing applications(chip design kit), support and troubleshooting
  • Evaluation, installation, configuration and partial administration of software packages for internal customers: Piwigo(PR), Mediawiki(Material Research), Youtrack, Wordpress etc.

Within the IT department, my activities included the introduction and implementation of new technologies and concepts as well as the adaptation of existing systems to them:

  • Single page application approach and microservices
  • Token login via LDAP and JWT
  • Modern Javascript ES6+
  • Python and Flask for the backends
  • IT knowledge management via Mediawiki and its semantic extensions
  • Git and Gitea
  • Docker and DevOps approach